wand massagers No Further a Mystery

The Swan Wand is easily Swan version yet. Beautiful in design, extraordinary in strength, the Swan Wand is ideal for soothing sore muscles, or for some fun for adventuresome & the naughty.

The Swan Wand is almost seamless with a silicone finish that is 100%. It is soft, smooth and waterproof .

If you're seeking the perfect mix of power and fun, the Swan Wand includes 2 incredible PowerBullet motors - one at every tip - . For every vibration Using a button, place for experiment or fun by trying a vibration that was different on each end. Each tip is able to be utilized on its own.

For portability and ease, the Swan Wand includes a travel lock and can be billed using a cord. Simply disconnect it when the fee is complete and it's ready to be used.

Research & titillate every portion of your body with the Swan!

It measures 2.15″ around and, if you understand me and my love for toys that pay"large swathes", you know this excited me. Then I flipped it on. Simply holding this thing in my hands I felt my bones for the rumbles. While I'm fixated on the end, what's more, it got one magic massager of these motors. Sean from BMS Factory turned it on and turned it all of the way up and I just sort of stood there in awe for a couple of minutes. I was in love. I had difficulty putting it 16, As it was time. I then officially had difficulty shutting off it... you press both buttons at once- once you know it, it is easy peasy but that I didn't have that"wait, it keeps just altering modes!" moments.

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